Who We Are

We are FABulous
because we serve
a fabulous

Fourth Avenue Baptist Church is located in Ottawa’s Glebe neighbourhood at the corner of Fourth Avenue and Bank Street.
Our members represent every demographic from children to more seasoned saints, married and single, and a diverse mix of ethnicities and backgrounds. We would be designated a ‘small church’ though in many ways we do not function as one. The professional team includes an organist, choir director, custodian, church administrator and minister. Our worship music includes a robed choir and a contemporary praise band. The youth ministry is a collaborative effort between Fourth Avenue Baptist and MacPhail Memorial Baptist. The youth ministry arrangement makes possible resource sharing, both curriculum and volunteers, with the additional benefit of intentional relationship building of the young persons in both communities.
Our community involvement includes participation in the annual Glebe Community Garage Sale and we are home to Encore Fashions, selling consignment quality items for men and women. Encore Fashions is open to the public four hours on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. The shop is staffed by volunteers from the church and community. All proceeds support local, national and international charitable work.
Twice a week, Fourth Avenue Baptist Church transforms its lower level complete with kitchen, bathrooms, and showers, into an emergency shelter called Haven Too. Our goal is to provide youth with a hot meal, shower, toiletries, clean socks, and a safe place to spend the night and sleep. We help connect youth with resources in the city to help them find housing, finish school, and receive services for addictions and mental health, services we do not provide ourselves.
We are a member of the Centre Town Churches Social Action Committee (CCSAC) which is an ecumenical group of 23 churches through which member churches reach out to those in central Ottawa who are economically or socially disadvantaged. For further information visit www.centretownchurches.org.
Mission Statement
As people of faith, we seek to center our lives on Jesus Christ. We seek to present Christ to all people in a creative and caring way by our music, our words and our deeds. We seek to create a loving environment where everyone is accepted and can grow to his or her full potential in Jesus Christ through service, worship, outreach, fellowship and discipleship.
We gather for worship in rich diversity, coming together from many backgrounds, holding many perspectives, to worship one Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We invite you to share in the journey.